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The Helpers Fund's
2023 Annual Holiday Drive

Please take a moment to decide how you would like to
assist someone in the area for this holiday period
then make your donation online or by mail.

Every year at this time, as the cold weather begins to set in and the leaves are on the ground, we think about the holidays that will soon be upon us. We think of the hustle and bustle of preparation; the shopping, the baking and cooking, the gathering of friends, the parties, the dinners with family, and the stories exchanged of things gone by.

But not all individuals or families find these holidays similar in any way to the way most of us appreciate them. They find themselves anxious, nervous, with hopes that have little chance of ever being fulfilled. They are times of stress and financial concern.

Who are these individuals and families? Some may be neighbors of ours, or people we see on the street, or at the market. But they are people living below the poverty level, jobless, maybe recently unemployed, may be disabled, may be disabled veterans, or just some one who has run into sudden bad luck.

The Fund's Drive: From the beginning of our organization we have seen our charity as a way of changing some of those concerns at this time of the year, not solve the problems, but a way of indicating that we'll try to make things a bit better, even if it is only for a short period of time. Whether it is supplying food for the holidays, or providing winter clothing to the children of the family, or helping solve one, maybe two financial problems that have left the family confused and at a loss, whether it is the result of an accident, or lengthy illness, we'll try to help and make a difference.

2023: This year we have five areas to choose from to make it easier to make a donation. We are attempting to offer more choices for your assistance to more specific areas. For instance, the Fund now supervises the Chestertown Food Pantry and there is an option if you want to direct your donation to that specific service. There is also an option for "Food Assistance" which is in addition to the "Food Pantry." In many cases there is a need for additional food assistance for the holiday; sometimes it is to help the family struggling to make ends meet but their income places them above the poverty line and therefore ineligible for food stamps; or a family in need that has recently moved into the area but has not fulfilled the residency requirements for social services; or the veteran on VA Disability whose monthly food stamps are not enough and needs a helping hand.

Making a Difference

Help us lend a hand to those less fortunate during the holiday period. Below are the areas you might wish to make a donation to. Just check an item, or items, and your donation will be placed in that category and used in that manner. You may either:

Food: Making a donation to this area will provide food for a family in need who may not be eligible for assistance from the Chestertown/Helpers Fund Food Pantry, but qualifies for assistance because of the nature of an emergency situation.

Clothing: Donations will provide winter clothing for those in need. Clothing such winter jackets, jeans, hats, gloves, sweatshirts and turtlenecks will be provided to members of the family, from new-borns to 17-year-olds. Adults will receive one item, while children will be allowed four items as well as one toy.

Heating: Those facing heating problems, whether they are being assisted by HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) or have been unable to receive assistance, may receive emergency fuel allotments, particularly with homes having young children.

Chestertown / Helpers Fund's Food Pantry: You may donate directly to the Food Pantry by making out a check to "Chestertown / Helpers Fund's Food Pantry". Donations will be exclusively for Food Pantry use. This assistance will continue past the holiday period.

Discretionary: Funds in this account may be used during the holiday period as the Fund feels situations warrant. Discretionary donations will be used during the holiday period as well as into the New Year depending on conditions and need.

Please take a moment to decide how you would like to assist someone in the area for this holiday period. Your donation, regardless of which program(s) you choose, is totally tax-deductible under the Internal Revenue's 501(c)3 regulations.

Thank you for your support!

The Helpers Fund is a 501(c)3 charity certified by the Internal Revenue Service and governed by the IRS Regulations governing charities. The Fund is incorporated under the laws of New York State's Department of State, and is registered with the New York State Bureau of Charities.

Annual Holiday Drive
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